Friday 9 December 2016


Perchance in the solitude of the lofty Western Ghats,
A Traveller am i,

Travelling through the Rolling hills and  the green glades and the sylvan streams.

From this mountain to the next, i find this land permeated by Shiva – The Eternal Being, The Ancient One.

Amidst the Majestic peaks, Adorned with Shiva temples, Like the Human Soul adorned with the presence of the Cosmic Lord!

The morning sun, shedding its Golden light upon the mountains,
Like the Divine Mother Gouri- She, whose complexion is like Molten Gold, Embracing the Blissful Shankara in an eternal embrace – The Cosmic Entwining of Purusha and Prakriti, In the  vastness of this land.

The Green Sahyadris greeting my eyes wherever i look, i am reminded of the Virat Purusha – The cosmic form of Shiva.

He, who is Everywhere and in Everything,His three eyes- The Sun, the Moon and the Fire.
The one without a second, The Summum- Bonum of this and  million other parallel universes.

And in the serenity of this setting, amidst pitch-deep silence, where silence covers silence, bubbles forth a voice from the depths of my soul-“I AM”.

“I AM” –The sound of the Primordial EGO.
Reassuring Me “I WAS”, “I AM”, “I WILL BE” - No matter how many deaths come over this puny body.

Verily This “I” have i  identified with “SHIVA”. And This “I AM” has finally melted into “Shivoham”.

“I AM SHIVA”, Lord You in Me, I in You, I have become  You!!